德克薩斯大學(xué)泰勒分校(泰勒)成立于1971年,是一所州立大學(xué)。由人文及科學(xué)學(xué)院、商業(yè)與技術(shù)學(xué)院、教育與心理學(xué)學(xué)院、工程與計算機技術(shù)學(xué)院、護理與生命科學(xué)學(xué)院組成。 德克薩斯大學(xué)泰勒校區(qū)是一所男女同校的公立大學(xué),位于美國德克薩斯州的泰勒。學(xué)校為德克薩斯大學(xué)系統(tǒng)的一部分。學(xué)校由四個專業(yè)學(xué)院和一個傳統(tǒng)的藝術(shù)與科學(xué)學(xué)院組成,提供超過90個學(xué)士、碩士和博士課程。學(xué)校已經(jīng)過南方學(xué)院和學(xué)校協(xié)會的認證,F(xiàn)有9700名學(xué)生,學(xué)生和教師比為16:1,該校是一個緊湊公園般的校園。泰勒人口超過100000,泰勒的湖泊和森林是東德州的自然之美。泰勒周邊的景點包括泰勒公園,野生動物保戶老虎溪,泰勒市場中心,布魯斯節(jié),科學(xué)廣場,泰勒藝術(shù)館等多個個景點。
創(chuàng)辦時間 公元1971年
所屬地區(qū) 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市
類別 州立大學(xué)
中文名 德克薩斯大學(xué)泰勒分校(泰勒) 英文名 University of Texas at Tyler 簡 稱 泰勒 創(chuàng)辦時間 公元1971年 類 別 州立大學(xué) 所屬地區(qū) 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市 主管部門 德克薩斯大學(xué) 主要院系 人文及科學(xué)學(xué)院、商業(yè)與技術(shù)學(xué)院、教育與心理學(xué)學(xué)院、工程與計算機技術(shù)學(xué)院、護理與生命科學(xué)學(xué)院 學(xué)校地址 美國德克薩斯州泰勒市
最低年齡 學(xué)歷要求 平均分及說明
無明確要求 高中畢業(yè) 無明確要求
Brittany Childs
Name Job Title Department Location Email Ph***
Abbey, Suzanne Professional Librarian Library LIB 207 sabbey**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Abbey, Donna Administrative Assistant III Music FAC 2212 dabbey**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Abdelaziz, May Clinical Assistant Professor College of Pharmacy WTB 368 MAbdelaziz**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Abrams, Dalton Information Technology Coordinator II Ingenuity Center ING dabrams**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 730-***
(903) 705-***
Adams, Marie Budget & Reporting Analyst II Budget and Financial Reporting ADM 365 madams**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 730-***
(903) 565-***
Albert, Marilyn Director of Career Services Career Services BEP
(903) 566-***
Alfred, Danita Associate Professor of Nursing Nursing BRB 1160 dalfred**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Ali, Mohammed Associate Professor Technology LUC 218 MohammedAli**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 663-***
Alkhateeb, Fadi Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Associate Professor College of Pharmacy WTB 328 FAlkhateeb**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Allen, Kristie BAAS Coordinator Office of Degree Completion University College LIB
(903) 565-***
(903) 727-***
Allen, Lorri Advisor To Student Newspaper & Senior Lecturer Communication MB2 1100 lorriallen**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Alvarez, Carlos Academic Advisor II Academic Success UC 3445 calvarez**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Alvarez, Taylor Benefits Manager Human Resources ADM 113 talvarez**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Amaral Back, Alyssa Senior Computer Equipment Maintenance Technician Nursing BRB 2245 aamaral**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Anders, Katie Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4046 kanders**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Andrews, Gail Administrative Assistant III Art and Art History ARC 122 gandrews**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Arce-Esquivel, Arturo Assistant Professor Health and Kinesiology HPC 2200B aarce**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Archer, Kassie Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4008 karcher**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Armstrong, Tyler Academic Advisor II Admissions HEC tarmstrong**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Armstrong, Andrew Director of Media Production Marketing and Communications LIB 121 AArmstrong**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
(903) 663-***
Astakhova, Marina Assistant Professor of Management Management and Marketing BUS 123 mastakhova**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 727-***
Azghani, Ali Professor Biology BEP 105 AAzghani**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-7332, LAB ***
Back, Sharon Amaral Instructional and Evaluation Support Specialist College of Education and Psychology BEP 222B sback**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Back, Randy Assistant Professor Chemistry and Biochemistry RBN 4047 RBack**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bacon, Launa Budget and Reporting Analyst II Budget and Financial Reporting ADM 361 LBacon**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Bailey, Danielle Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice Social Sciences BUS 228 dbailey**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 565-***
Balderrama, Stacy Project Mgr Ingenuity Center ING sbalderrama**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 617-***
Ballard, Elaine Clinical
(903) 541-***
Ballard, Brandi Safety Specialist I Environmental Health and Safety USC 135 BrandiBallard**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Ballard, Joyce Retiree Health & Kinesiology HPC 3085 JBallard**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Banta, Joshua Associate Professor Biology BEP 109 jbanta**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Barge, Kimberly Programmer Analyst Information Technology USC 106 karagon**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 565-***
Barké, Charles Chair and Professor Psychology and Counseling HPR 227 CBarke**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Barké, Rosemary Senior Lecturer Psychology and Counseling HPR 208 RBarke**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Barnson, Andrew Assistant Director of Enrollment Services/Graduation Help Desk Coordinator Enrollment Management ADM 230 abarnson**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Batman, Richard Senior Lecturer in Physics Chemistry and Biochemistry RBN 4045 rbatman**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 565-***
Baxter-Jones, Faye Buyer I Financial Services ADM 122B fjones**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Beal, Brent Associate Professor of Management Management and Marketing BUS 130 bbeal**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Beall, Pamela Special Programs Manager Registrar's Office ADM 215 PBeall**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Beams, David Associate Professor Electrical Engineering RBN 2010 dbeams**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Beard, Amanda Administrative Assistant III Office of International Programs UC 2160 AmandaBeard**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bearden, Clifford Assistant Professor Mathematics RBN 4004 CBearden**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Beckham, Jon Associate Professor Mathematics RBN 4012 RBeckham**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Bedan, April Admissions Data Specialist II Admissions USC 142 abedan**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Beddingfield, Donna Administrative Services Officer I Physical Plant PHY 104 DBeddingfield**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Beebe, Ann Associate Professor of English Literature and Languages BUS 250 ABeebe**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Belew, Jennifer Lecturer Chemistry and Biochemistry RBS 3013 JenniferBelew**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
Berman, Lou Ann Assistant Vice President for Assessment/Institutional Effectiveness Assessment and Institutional Effectiveness ADM 378 LBerman**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bettinger, Bruce Scholarship Coordinator II Enrollment Management ADM 230B BBettinger**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Betts, Vicki Professional Librarian Library LIB 221 vbetts**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Bextine, Blake Alt Assigmt -
(903) 566-***
(903) 565-***
Bill, Ashley Executive Director of Academic Success Academic Success LIB 424 abill**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bill, Brent Assistant Professor Biology HPR 107 bbill**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
(903) 565-***
Biswas, Mohammad Assistant Professor Mechanical Engineering HEC A214 mbiswas**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Black, Shaun Senior Lecturer Chemistry and Biochemistry RBS 3029 SBlack**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
(903) 566-***
Bloodsworth, Heather Testing Specialist Student Services UC 3160 hbloodsworth**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bloomquist, Wes Sports Information Coordinator Athletics PHE 210E wbloomquist**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Blundell, Sydni Special Assistant to Dean/Assistant Graduate Coordinator Graduate Admissions BEP 223 sblundell**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Bock, Gregory Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Religion Literature and Languages BUS 245 gbock**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 566-***
Bond, Vicky Director of Scheduling and Conference Services Student Affairs OAC 119 VBond**[ta]**yler.edu
(903) 565-***
Bonilla, Kerry Administrative Assistant II
(903) 730-***