Tel:+32 (0)2 221 8***
Fax:+32 (0)2 221 8***
Postal address: IMI JU • TO56 • 1049
Visiting address: Ave de la Toison d’Or 56-60 • 1060
Konstantinos Lianopoulos klianopoulos**[ta]**il.com
Anne Lindgren abli**[ta]**dk
Universitetshospital/Aarhus Universitet
Carole MIRANDA miranda**[ta]**t.asso.fr
ANRT All topics
Michael Busch Sørensen mbs**[ta]**lnet.dk
ApEHR CONCEPTION - continuumof evidence from pregnancyexposures, reproductivetoxicology and breastfeedingto improve outcomes now Expertice on registries, RWE and biobankstudies, regulations associated to observational research, ENCePP partner,ext. network
Tal Or tal.or**[ta]**asensebiomed.com
ATLASense Biomed Ltd. Remote Patient Monitoring More than 40 years in R&D and businessdevelopment over 300 successful projectsand a working prototype.
Alessandra Angeli alessandra.angeli.aa**[ta]**am.com
Axxam SpA Paula Petrone petronepau**[ta]**il.com
BarcelonaBeta Brain Research Center Federated and privacy preserving machine learningin support of drug discovery,Pilot programme on a clinicalcompound bank for More than 8 years of data scienceexpertise in Pharma, including machine learning, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics
Eirini Diamantopoul
ou ediamantopoulou**[ta]**medcode.com
Biomedcode Hellas S.A. Topic 2: Genome Environment Interactions inInflammatory Skin Diseaseand Topic 8: Human tumourmicroenvironmentimmunoprofiling A unique collection of mouse models thatmimic human inflammatory diseases /platforms for comprehensive disease phenotyping
Matteo Gabetta matteo.gabetta**[ta]**meris.com
Biomeris Gary Brenner gary**[ta]**nnerpharmafood.com
Brennerpharmafood Our focus is on new product & newbusiness development
Gianluca Zia gianluca.zia**[ta]**etek.it
Caretek srl Digital assessment of mobility Sprintt's experience in managing ICT anddeveloping the Actimetry device. Design
Klaas Zuideveld kzuideveld**[ta]**isls.com
Caris Life Sciences Human tumourmicroenvironmentimmunoprofiling Human tumour profiling expertise /capabilities
Dilek Iusuf dilek.iusuf**[ta]**alyze.nl
Catalyze Nicole Harmon nharmon**[ta]**sc.org
CDISC Global organization developing metadatastandards for clinical research required by FDA and PMDA
Ioulietta Lazarou iouliettalaz**[ta]**mail.com
Centre forResearch andTechnology Hellas(CERTH)
InformationTechnologies Institute (ITI)
Thanos Stavropoulos athstavr**[ta]**.gr
CERTHITI/Carealia PC Topic 14: Neurodegenerativediseases Intelligent sensor fusion from IoT devices,translation to clinical behaviors &sympt***
Mordechai Chirnomas morton**[ta]**rnomas.com
Chirnomas IP LLC All IP, tech transfer, innovation advancement
experience with academic spinouts
Isabel Ramis direccioncientifica**[ta]**erdem.org
CIBERDEM, ISCIII,Spain Assessment of theuniqueness of diabeticcardiomyopathy relative...
and A sustainable Europeaninduced pluripotent stem cellpla A consortium of 30 research groups
working in diabetes, preclinical and clinical
Roser Mias roser.mias**[ta]**eres.org
CIBERES- Network Centre of Biomedical Research inrespiratorydiseases TOPIC 13: RESPIRATORY
DISEASES 33 groups /400 researcher; lung cancer,sleep apnoea, pulmonary fibrosis, asthma,acute pulmonary,COPD, tuberculosis,pneumony..
Kai Graeber graeber**[ta]**3.de
Cluster forIndividualizedImmuneIntervention
(Ci3) e.V. Andres Mellik andres**[ta]**nuse.com
Cognuse Inc. Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints to drive regulatory
acceptance and clinical practice A production-ready platform for digital
assessment and correlation of multidisciplinary endpoints,
Michael Crusoe mrc**[ta]**monwl.org
Common Workflow Language project /VšĮ "Darbo eigos" TRANSBIOLINE FAIR data analysis workflows, FAIR datamanagement; the FDA supported BioCompute Object standard forregulatory submissions
Nick Lynch nick.lynch**[ta]**lewresearch.com
Curlew Research AI model buildin AI experience in Life Science
Rinat BorenshtainKoreh rinat**[ta]**abiotech.co.il
Da-Ta Biotech LTD 2, 3, 6, 8, 11 Know how in biological laboratory & vetrinary medicine, fast and effectivemodel set up, data mining, inovationunique approach
Maura Menghi maura.menghi**[ta]**techpgx.com
Diatech Pharmacogenetics Carlos Boto csmboto**[ta]**oc.com
doDOC All Content management software to ensure
information security, compliance,collaboration and transparency.
Mariana Vaschetto mv**[ta]**bridgeagile.com
Dr Yoel Ezra yoelezra**[ta]**-technologies.com
EfA-Engineering forAll optimal use of Antibiotic Developing a portable and accuratediagnostic system
François SIHRENER fsihrener**[ta]**asante.com
EURASANTE Carlo Peano carlo.peano**[ta]**opeanhub.com
European Hub Edyta Woźniak edyta.wozniak**[ta]**europa.eu European
Parliament Virginie Fabre virginie.fabre**[ta]**erm.fr
fcrin Amélie Rezza rezza**[ta]**oway.com
Genoway Ioannis Trantakis trantakis**[ta]**o.gr Hellenic BioCluster Topics 3, 4, 6, 8 and***
Alexandra Chukas alexandra.chukas**[ta]**institute.org
ICM Mitochondrial dysfunction in Expertise in PD preclinical research
Elad Fein eladfein**[ta]**il.com
iFeel Healthy Michael Steinwand msteinwand**[ta]**ovendia.de
Consulting 7, 10, 11 top 7: proven technology for high fidelity
iPSCs; top 10: analytical partner; to***
clinically proven diagnostic processes
Matej Buzgo matej**[ta]**cure.cz
InoCure s.r.o. Antinicrobial resistance Development of POC screening devicew,drug deliverg systems and 3D cell culturescaffolds.
Pierre Eftekhari p.eftekhari**[ta]**viem.com
Inoviem Scientific Translational safety
biomarker pipeline(TRANSBIOLINE): enabling
development and
implementation of novel
safety biomarkers in cl Label free technology directly on both
pathologic and noraml human tisssues,able to identify drug mode of action and
Bruno Bouyssounous
e bruno.bouyssounouse**[ta]**votion.com
INOVOTION Human tumourmicroenvironmentimmunoprofiling Drug Discovery: Ground-breaking newmodel for in vivo efficacy and toxicitytesting, reproducible results using chickembryos
Viviana Roman rviviana30**[ta]**oo.com
InSyBio IKE Topics 1,2,3,10,11,12 Biomarker discovery through analysis of big data omics data using machinelearning algorithms.
Guillaume Noyel guillaume.noyel**[ta]**ri.org
Prevention Research Institute Andreas Kremer andreas.kremer**[ta]**msolutions.com
Management, Hosting, Visual Analytics,DiseaseMaps, tranSMART, i2b2
Nino Sharashidze nino.sharashidze**[ta]**.ge Javakhishvili Tbilis
State University Assessment of theuniqueness of diabeticcardiomyopathy relative toother forms of heart failureusing unbiased phenomapping ap
Bojan Blažica bojan.blazica**[ta]**.si JSI Clinical nutrition platform, gamification of phisiotherapy, tele-rehabilitation, usability
testing and interface design, IT
Fergal Delaney fergal.delaney**[ta]**esis.ie Kinesis Health
Technologies Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpointsto drive regulatoryacceptance and clinicalpractice
Fabien Richard fabien.kmts**[ta]**il.com
KMTransSolutions Federated and privacy
preserving machine learning
in support of drug discovery Product and process design and
development for compliant and high data
sharing and reuse for scientific purposes
Noreen Berger nberger**[ta]**w-center.at
Know-Center GmbH Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints
to drive regulatoryacceptance and clinical
practice data analysis, recommendations forenduser, human centration in applicationdevelopment
Aura Dontu aura.dontu**[ta]**il.com
Leo Connections Philippe Zitoun pz**[ta]**z.fr
LIPZ project management around software forsafety pharmacology using math modeling
Frederic CAROFF frederic.caroff**[ta]**biosciences.com
microenvironmentimmunoprofiling We would bring an immuno-adjuvant with
anti tumor activities that can boost mAbtherapeutic strategies. (POC was alreadydone)
Sarra Ben Attia sarra.benattia**[ta]**.lu
Matthias Machacek machacek**[ta]**-x.com
LYO-X Pharmacometrics, Systems Pharmacologyand machine learning expertise andresources
Marieke Heida m.heida**[ta]**oberts.nl
McRoberts B.V. Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints
to drive regulatory
acceptance and clinical
practice physical activity monitoring of patients via
sensor tchnology (medical device)
Nina Görner ngoerner**[ta]**abolon.com
Metabolon Global Metabolomic Profiling LC-MS/MS
based, targeted Metabolomics, Lipidomics,
Microbiome Research
Annie Borgne
Sanchez aborgne.sanchez**[ta]**ologics.com
MITOLOGICS SAS Topics 4 and 10 Technological expertise to detect
mitochondrial dysfunction in a variety of models for pharmacology and toxicology
Matteo Fallani pm**[ta]**aboratory.com
N.T. Laboratory srl IVD medical devices development and
manufacturing, prototyping, engineering
Anders Karlsson anders.karlsson**[ta]**oxisconsulting.com
Nanoxis Consulting
AB The value of diagnostics to
combat antimicrobial
resistance by optimising
antibiotic use 10+ years XP (bacterial proteomics incl.
resistance and virulence), CRO for
academia and industry, high-end MSinstruments
Yann Jaudouin yann.jaudouin**[ta]**ro-sys.fr
Neuro-Sys Raffaella Bisson raffaellabisson**[ta]**ektechnologies.it
Nidek Technologiessrl Health care Knowledge of optics,mechanics,electronics, software for medial machines
Andrew Spink andrew.spink**[ta]**dus.nl
Noldus Information
Technology BV not yet decided Solutions, esepcially software for
measuring behavior in people and animals
Josep Oriol Nicolas jonicolas**[ta]**trumbiodiscovery.com
Nostrum Biodiscovery SL Application in drug discovery
related calls Expertise in rational drug design projects
Catherine Ruiz catherine.ruiz**[ta]**immuno.com
OSE Immunotherapeutic
s Human tumour
immunoprofiling Tumor microenvironment knowledge,development of therapeutic molecules
from exploratory research to early clinical trials
Charli Batley charli.batley**[ta]**remost.com
Phoremost Ltd Roberta Lotti robertalotti8**[ta]**il.com
PinCell s.r.l.
Laura Vannini sviluppoblu**[ta]**il.com
Project Consultant Pilot programme on a Clinical
Compound Bank for
Repurposing Experience and activities in: medical
device and home care with patients with
respiratory diseases.
Maria Sousa maria.sousa**[ta]**ef.com
PROMPTLY Linking digital assessment of mobility to clinical endpoints
to drive regulatory
acceptance and clinical
practice Ehealth Analytics
Nikos Tsolakos nikos.tsolakos**[ta]**tatonce.com
ProtATonce Ltd TRANSBIOLINE, Pilot
programme on a clinical
compound bank for
repurposing, Human tumour
immunoprofiling biomarker discovery approaches,computational tools and in-vitro assays for
compound evaluation, protein assay
Lauréline Renault laureline.renault**[ta]**defrance.fr
region council Paris
Wannes Dejonckheere wannes.dejonckheere**[ta]**ynd.com
reMYND Mitochondrial dysfunction inneurodegeneration,Improving the preclinicalprediction of adverse effects of pharmaceuticals on th Mitochondrial dysfunction expertise,mouse Alzheimer's disease models, invitro Parkinson's disease models
Jeremy PATARIN patarin**[ta]**onova.fr
Rheonova The value of diagnostics to combat antimicrobialresistance by optimisingantibiotic use IVD
Federica Rizzi frizzi**[ta]**-ims.it
Maria Grazia Santagati mariagrazia.santagati**[ta]**.it
Karen Vermuyten karen.vermuyten**[ta]**enet.be
SilverRNA Translational safety
biomarker pipeline(TRANSBIOLINE): enabling
development andimplementation of novel
safety biomarkers in cl expertise in the miRNA network in alltherapeutic area's
Wendy Moreno wmoreno**[ta]**os.es
Soros Gabinete Anna Mkrtchyan
anna_mkrtchyan**[ta]**.am SPC
"Armbiotechnology"NAS RA
Riikka Paasikivi riikka.paasikivi**[ta]**nverse.com
Spinverse Oy Mitochondrial dysfunction in
neurodegeneration research on the area
Christina Lercher christina.lercher**[ta]**ndorttirol.at
Tirol Expert in EU-funding programmes,proposal writing and project management,partnering activities through the EEN
Elena Chitan chitan.elena**[ta]**il.com
Pharmacy "Nicole Testemitanu"
Alba Jene ajene**[ta]**apse-managers.com
Synapse Support and coordination
action for the projects of theneurodegeneration area of the Innovative Medicines Initiative
János G. Pitter janos.pitter**[ta]**eon.eu Syreon Research
Institite Ltd. Mostly in topics collecting/analysing humanclinical data. Also inpreclinical topics in need of early stage modelling. health economics and public healthresearch, transferability of knowledge/deliverables to Central and Eastern European countries
Hanna Dellago hanna.dellago**[ta]**irna.com
TAmiRNA GmbH TransBioLine Discovery, validation and
commercialization of non-coding RNA
biomarkers, with focus on circulating
Richard Hampson rhampson**[ta]**lial.com
Thelial 13, 14 and 15 We apply our patented repositioning
technology to find drug candidates in the
target disease areas.
Maria Ragano Caracciolo raganocaracciolo.maria**[ta]**il.com
Aino Kalervo aino**[ta]**tbio.com
TILT Biotherapeutics Topic 8 TILT aims to preform clinical trials with an
oncolytic virus and a checkpoint inhibitor.
Jaime Medina jaime.medina**[ta]**elogic.com
Treelogic, S.L. Federated and privacy
preserving machine learning
in support of drug discovery Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data
Francesca Bianchini francesca.bianchini**[ta]**fi.it
immunoprofiling Long standing preclinical expertise, in vivo
imaging using PET/SPECT/CT and NMR
for small animals, Imadrom-SME founder
Liliana Ibeth Barbosa
Santillan ibarbosa**[ta]**ea.udg.mx
Elaine Anderson elaine.anderson**[ta]**tingham.ac.uk
Elisa Calabria elisa.calabria**[ta]**vr.it
related to neurodegenerative
diseases, Parkinson's in
particular Expertise and resources for studies in in
exercise physiology, molecular biology
and mitochondrial physiology.
Etyene Schnurr etyene.schnurr**[ta]**.uzh.ch
UZH Translational safety
biomarker pipeline(TRANSBIOLINE): enabling
development and
implementation of novel
safety biomarkers Use of MAb as an therapeutic alternative
to antibiotic resistance
Vaclovas Radvilas vaclovas.radvilas**[ta]**linics.com
ZeClinics - Drug
Discovery Through
Zebrafish Mitoch. dysfunction in
neurodeg.; Assess. of theuniq. of diabeticcardiomyopathy; Improv.
precl. pred. of adv. effects of ph Expertise in zebrafish use for preclinicalstudies