通信經(jīng)理南:Temptress Bounekraflamia.b**[ta]**i-info.eu
編輯經(jīng)理:Daniela Cavinidaniela.c**[ta]**i-info.eu
Type of activity:Programmes to prepare teacher educators for entrepreneurship
Country of implementation:Greece
Institution implementing the activity:University of Ioannina,Department of
Early Childhood Education
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**i.gr/oldsite/main.html
Main contact:Polyxeni (Jenny) PANGE
E-mail:pagge**[ta]**uoi.gr; jennypagge**[ta]**oo.gr
Tel:+30 693613***
Application / target audience of activity:Student teachers
Level of education targeted:Multiple levels
Country of implementation:Belgium
Institution implementing the activity:Xios University College Belgium
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**os.be
Main contact:Michel Janssens
Tel:+32 49 726 ***
Telephone of the institution:+32 11 370***
Type of activity:Programmes to prepare student teachers,teachers and school
managers for entrepreneurship education
Country of implementation:International
Institution implementing the activity:SEECEL (South East European Centre
for Entrepreneurial Learning)
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**ecel.hr
Main contact:Maja LjubiE-mail:maja.ljubic**[ta]**cel.hr
Tel:+385 (0)1 30 40***
Additional actors or partners involved:SEECEL member states (Albania,Bosnia and Herzegovina,Croatia,Kosovo,Former Yugoslavia Republic of Macedonia,Montenegro,Serbia and Turkey)
Application / target audience of activity:Student teachers,teachers and school
Level of education targeted:Multiple levels of education
Type of activity:Programmes to prepare student teachers for entrepreneurial
Country of implementation:Finland
Institution implementing the activity:HAMK Professional Teacher Education
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**rtal.hamk.fi/portal/page
Main contact:Heikki Hannula
Tel:+358 3 646***
Application / target audience of activity:Student teachers in fields such as
technology,engineering and social sciences
Level of education targeted:Secondary,higher and further
Type of activity:Entrepreneurial teaching methods and pedagogies
Institution implementing the activity:University of Lapland
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**apland.fi/InEnglish/Units
Main contact:Lenita Hietanen
Tel:+358 (0) 404 844***
Country of implementation:Norway
Institution implementing the activity:Sogn og Fjordane University College
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**sf.no/en/home
Main contact:Professor Ivar A Offerdal
Tel:Faculty of Teacher Education and Sports:+475767***
Application / target audience of activity:Students of Teacher education and
Level of education targeted:Multiple education levels (primary,secondary and
vocational education).REAL is also offered as a continuing education course for
practising teachers
Institution implementing the activity:Artevelde University College
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**teveldehogeschool.be
Main contact:Dominique Roodhooft
Tel:+32 9234***
Application / target audience of activity:College teachers and students
Level of education targeted:University level
Type of activity:Innovative teaching methods connected to entrepreneurship
Country of implementation:Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM)
Institution implementing the activity:Ministry for Education and Science of
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**n.gov.mk
Main contact:Jvesna Horvatovikj and Radmil Polenakovik
E-mail:jvesnahorvatovik**[ta]**.gov.mk (responsible institution),radmil.polenakovik**[ta]**iel.mk (support for creation of programs,trainings andimplementation)
Additional actors or partners involved:Bureau for development in education,National Centre for Development of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Learning(NCDIEL)
Level of education targeted:Primary and secondary
Type of activity:Networking and exchange of good practice
Country of implementation:United Kingdom - Wales
Institution implementing the activity:WEEN - Welsh Enterprise Educators
Network c/o Swansea Metropolitan,Trinity St David,Wales
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**enetwork.co.uk
Main contact:Andy Penaluna
Tel:+44 179248***
Additional actors or partners involved:Welsh Government,Enterprise
Application / target audience of activity:Universities/Teacher Education
Colleges / VET
Level of education targeted:Interdisciplinary / multiple levels of education
Type of activity:Entrepreneurial Schools
Country of implementation:Croatia
Institution implementing the activity:Matija Antun Reljkovi High School,Slavonski Brod
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**-mareljkovica-sb.skole.hr
Main contact:Vlado Prskalo
Level of education targeted:Secondary school with three individual educational
units:the Agricultural Technical School,Veterinary School and Chemical School
Country of implementation:UK
Institution implementing the activity:Manchester Academy
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**nchester-academy.org
Main contact:Jane Delfino
Tel:+44 161 232 ***
Additional actors or partners involved:United Learning
Application / target audience of activity:11-18 year olds
Level of education targeted:Secondary Education
Institution implementing the activity:University of Turku /Lappeenranta
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**i.fi
Main contact:Jaana Seikkula-Leino (project manager,professor),Heikki Hannula(Co-ordinator of Professional Teacher Education and the
Objective of Pedagogical Development and Assessment
Tel:+358 50 5305902/ Telephone of Heikki Hannula:+358- 40-830***
Additional actors or partners involved:7 Teacher Training Schools; 3
Departments of Teacher Education; 2 other universities; 6 Universities of Applied
Sciences; 4 Teacher Education Units; 10 other partners:organizations and the
Ministry of Employment and the Economy
Type of activity:CPD programmes preparing teachers in-service for
entrepreneurship education
Country of implementation:Spain
Institution implementing the activity:Valnalon
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**lnalon.com
Main contact:Ivan Diego Rodriguez
Tel:+34 985698***
Additional actors or partners involved:GrijpdeBuitenKans - An independent
Dutch organisation aiming to support educational institutions’ provision of
Application / target audience of activity:A mix of school managers and
teaching staff from the same institution
Level of education targeted:CPD for teachers in all levels of education
Institution implementing the activity:Creativity,Culture and Education (CCE),a UK-based Non-governmental organisation (NGO) and charity,website:http://www.**w
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**eative-partnerships
Main contact:Paul Roberts,Chairman
Tel:+44 (0)844 811 ***
Application / target audience of activity:Children and young people in schools
and their teachers
Level of education targeted:Primary and Secondary
Main contact:José Miguel Oskoz,Director of Tknika,jmoskoz**[ta]**ika.net
Additional contacts:Samuel Triguero,Coordinator of Management Area,striguero**[ta]**ika.net / Victor Arias,Internationalization Monitor,barias**[ta]**ika.net;
JLF Maure,Internationalization Monitor,jlfernandez**[ta]**ika.net
Type of activity:CPD providers’ outreach strategies
Country of implementation:Bulgaria
Institution implementing the activity:Bulgarian Centre of Training Firms
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**ct.org/index.php p=22
Main contact:Dariya Mavrudieva
Tel:+359 2 963 2***
Application / target audience of activity:Teachers
Level of education targeted:CDP,secondary,higher and vocational education
Type of activity:Ongoing support initiatives to CPD providers
Country of implementation:UK - Scotland
Institution implementing the activity:University of Aberdeen
Website or link to project or institution:http://www.**dn.ac.uk/spe
Main contact:Dr David McMurtry
Tel:+44 1224 27***
Additional actors or partners involved:the Scottish Programme for
Entrepreneurship; the Croatian National Teacher Training Agency; Erciyes University,Kayseri,Turkey
Application / target audience of activity:Teachers,head teachers,student
teachers,teacher educators,education authority staff,psychologists and pedagogists
Level of education targeted:Educators at all levels of education - pre-school,primary,secondary,further and higher
Type of activity:On-going support initiatives to teachers in-service
Country of implementation:Spain (Catalonia)
Institution implementing the activity:Education Department of Catalonia
Website or link to project or institution:Website of the Education
Department of Catalonia:http://www.**.gencat.cat/portal/site/ensenyament
Main contact:Xavier Yá ez,Maria Ojuel and Monica Artigas
Tel:+34 935516900,extension ***
Application / target audience of activity:Teachers who apply an
entrepreneurship programme in their schools
Level of education targeted:CPD,teachers of secondary education
電話:+ 61 3 964***
傳真:+ 61 3 964***
B - 1049布魯塞爾(比利時(shí))